10/23, Day 14 - Flying Home Step 1 - depart hotel in Mercedes Benz for Charles de Gaulle airport. The driver, a very nice guy, handles all the bags up to the check in counter. Check my 2 big Pelican cases to Atlanta to clear customs then re-check them to Lafayette. Step 2 - transfer to wheel chair. My driver was another nice guy. Zooms through immigration. Security a bit untrustworthy. I received a five minute massage literally. Must have been my 5.11 clothes. Step 3 - wait in Air France executive lounge. Back to airplane food, which isn't all bad in Paris. Shep 4 - board airplane. Wait for 350p takeoff. Landed in Atlanta and cleared immigration and customs quickly. Re-checked bags for Lafayette. and flew home. David Prejean met me in Lafayette and helped with my bags and gave me a ride home. Thank you David. All in all it was quite an experience. I learned that I needed to work on my endurance before I attempt my next trip. I thoroughly enjoyed all the sites and all the new friends I made over the two week period. It was a bucket list adventure.