10/13, Day 4 of the tour Saw the horse and bulls of the Camargue area about an hour south of Arles. There is a lot of similarity to South Louisiana, delta region, bird migration, farm lands. The bull fights here do not kill the bulls. Look them up on YouTube. They are quite fascinating. The people on the ranch were so nice. Camargue is a region of France located south of Arles, between the Mediterranean Sea and the two arms of the Rhône delta. The eastern arm is called the Grand Rhône; the western one is the Petit Rhône. Camargue was designated a Ramsar site as a "Wetland of International Importance" on 1 December 1986. The Camargue bull is a breed of domestic cattle native to the Camargue marshlands of the river delta of the Rhône in southern France. It is used for the traditional sport of course camarguaise, a kind of bloodless bull-fight, but not for the corrida, Iberian-style bull-fighting. It is one of two cattle breeds raised in semi-feral conditions in the Camargue; the other is the Brava or Race de Combat, a fighting breed. Since 1996 it has been officially known as the Provençal: Raço di Biòu. The Camargue horse is an ancient breed of horse indigenous to the Camargue area in southern France. Its origins remain relatively unknown, although it is generally considered one of the oldest breeds of horses in the world. For centuries, possibly thousands of years, these small horses have lived wild in the harsh environment of the Camargue marshes and wetlands of the Rhône delta, which covers part of the départements of Gard and Bouches-du-Rhône. There they developed the stamina, hardiness and agility for which they are known today. Traditionally, they live in semi-feral conditions in the marshy land of the region. The Camargue horse is the traditional mount of the gardians, the Camargue "cowboys" who herd the black Camargue bulls used for "courses camarguaises" in southern France. Camargue horses galloping through water is a popular and romantic image of the region. When I returned to my cabin, I found little Kali in a sailboat on the waves. I love my stew!! We left Arles at 1630 en route to Avignon. We passed some modern wind vanes, a nice suspension bridge, and an old castle. The riverboat cruises about 10 knots and is quite pleasant. I see why they are so popular.